“Dance Moms” this season has really taken a toll on Abby Lee Miller. I think that she is trying to do too much and she still is not over the passing of her mother. She needs time to breathe and grieve. You can keep up with season five of “Dance Moms” right here.
The group for the Abby Lee Dance Company seems like it is always changing. Abby does not like the scores, she brings in a new girl. Abby does not like a mother’s attitude when she is making their child cry? She brings in a new girl. Basically, Abby is always looking for ways to improve her team but really showing the girls that everyone, except Maddie, is replaceable. It makes perfect sense why Christi and Chloe left and why Holly may follow suit with Nia. Last week, Nia was given an ultimatum. She had a solo and had to place in the top five. If she failed to do that, she would not be given a solo for a very long time. So, what happened?
The competition was one that came with critiques after every dance and some were really positive. I think that the girls needed to see where they actually excelled rather than where they failed. Three had solos: Nia, Maddie and Kendall. Out of the three, Maddie was the only one who placed and she placed number one (shocker). As for the group dance; it came in third which really mad Abby mad. She is always on her dang cell phone and never really teaching the girls who need it more than Maddie. Then she gets mad at them. It’s just a bad situation.
This week, the girls learn that they will head to LA in a few weeks, Holly has to decide if she and Nia are staying, Maddie is in the Sia video and the Rotten Candy Apples are back with a surprise for Abby.
Keep reading to see how the ALDC fares.
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